My stance WILL NOT be liked here, I'm thinking, but most if not all Muslim-majority countries don't have the same freedoms most western countries have, anyway, so I wouldn't expect them to give as much freedom to Christians as western countries gives to Muslims even though I think it's a nice idea.
The Leological One
JoinedPosts by The Leological One
Vatican to Muslims: practice what you preach
by Elsewhere in
vatican to muslims: practice what you preach.
feb 23, 12:54 pm (et).
acWhy do you use the term "Apostate"?
by Trojan ini see that several of you use the term "apostate" or call themselves "apostates".
the problem i have with using the term is that you continue to follow wtbts thinking of "branding and labeling" people.
they charge that word with lots of negativity and label people that have different thoughts.
The Leological One
My view is that I am labled. If that is going to be the case, I might as well try to drop the neg conotation. Redefine what it means for me.
It is a brand of honour to be labeled apostate by the JWs. It means Im thinking for myself.
I see your point but disagree personally.
I've never been a JW (married to an a DF'd JW), but I like to feel I'm an apostate, as well~!
Sad news from Maui
by Makena1 inwe went to our favorite beach, met up with some of our local friends.
we don't have much in the way of details - but heard some devasting news that ari (well known to seattle area exjw's and i am sure by many on the board) killed himself sometime over last weekend.
he was so excited about moving to maui, and starting a new life here.
The Leological One
I just wanted to add that in several conversations with Ary he expressed much pain because his daughters would not speak to him. One daughter was newly married and he told me with anguish on his face "I don't even know her new last name." He also shared that he wanted to visit his mother in Europe and her response was "if you are not a Jehovah's Witness don't bother". Shunning is such a powerful tool, it can cut you to the heart. That sums up how I now feel about the witnesses...they are not a harmless religion, that "works" for those that need rigid rules in their's a destructive cult that causes loss of self worth to the point of desperation that lead Ary to him taking his own life.... Just like our precious 21 year old daughter did seven years ago when the elders threatened to disfellowship her. That's what makes it especially painful for me, another precious life made to feel so separated from our source and loving co-creator. sabine/js
I fortunately have never been a JW, but my wife is going through the same shunning crap that's hurt so many people on this thread. Damn I wish I could go back in time and do a curb trick on the teeth of the person who dreamt up this whole DF'ing/shunning bs~!
I never knew the guy and am not sure I've ever even read a post of his, but having had a step brother and a really good friend kill themselves, what's happened to Ari as well as your daughter has me pretty upset right now, especially when the shunning he's endured surely comes into play to some degree regardless of other possible reasons behind it.
I feel for anyone else who knew him as well as all who've been going through the whole shunning process. It's sometimes easy for me to just see the funny/silly stuff about the WT to laugh about, but then something always seems to bring things back into focus regarding how many people the WT has and is currently severely hurting.
Peace, and thanks.
Stomach This! Bethel Lecture. You will not find this in WTLIB!!!
by What-A-Coincidence inscroll down to the paragraph with the larger font.
listening to voices of authority.
s herd 12/27/99.
The Leological One
Did he ever say what we're supposed to do when the voice of Jehovah and the voice of his "appointed slave" say different things? :-)
Thanks for this!
Excellent point~!
Why I'll never see 'Brokeback Mountain'
by yaddayadda in.
yep, i'm 'homophobic' and damn proud of it!
The Leological One
Phobias are the result of conditioning. Liver may "gross" somebody else because they tried it once, did not like it, and developed a psychological aversion to it.
People that are "grossed" out by homosexuality are such for two possible reasons, 1) They themselves have tried it and didnt like it or are struggling with their own homosexual tendencies, or 2) They have been conditioned by societal hatred of gays to automatically be repulsed by the thought of homosexuality.
Either way, hatred is the root cause, hatred of oneself or "learned hatred".
Sorry, but that's a total load. Going by your analogy I guess the homosexuals I've talked to who've said they abhorred the idea of having sex with someone of the opposite gender all must have based their opinions on either trying it themselves and hating it or via some evil social conditioning, hatred being the root cause, then~? Come on~! You don't think there's any chance you might be replying in a conditioned sense, yourself~? I intend no offense, but IMO your analogy pretty much makes it seem as if everyone ought to agree that homosexuality is appealing or else they have major issues, and that seems pretty shallow and judgemental to me.
I agree with an earlier poster's comments in stating that something grossing someone out doesn't automatically equate to fearing and/or hating something. Even as a child I've seen certain foods that have just looked gross to me, and I didn't have to eat such foods or be conditioned by some type of hatred to have an opinion.
BTW, I had a lesbian roommate for 2 1/2 years and consider her to be the best roommate I ever had, and I don't personally hate or fear homosexuals even though the thought of sex with the same gender is indeed gross, IMO.
WTS Letter: Tracking Down Displaced JWs
by doinmypart inshortly after the hurricanes hit the gulf coast region of the u.s. the wts organized committees and met with elders in the affected/surrounding states.
one point of discussion was the damage assessment to khs and homes; the other point of discussion was locating displaced jws.. the wts is concerned about losing publishers.
at the time it was stressed that if a displaced person or family moved into your area be sure to get at least name and former congregation and forward the information to wts.
The Leological One
Oh c'mon....the Society is simply interested in helping these people.
In love with a JW, HELP!!!
by secretlove in14 years ago i was a sophomore in high school and fell head over heels for a senior (we'll call him mike) who wasn't really in to me.
i was raised catholic and he, a jw.
i wrote him lots of notes, sent him teddy bears and tried to win his heart.
The Leological One
14 years ago I was a sophomore in high school and fell head over heels for a senior (we'll call him Mike) who wasn't really in to me. I was raised Catholic and he, a JW. I wrote him lots of notes, sent him teddy bears and tried to win his heart. It didn't work, he never showed much interest! But he was in my thoughts everyday and I longed to be with him. 2 years later I was dating someone else and ended up pregnant and married at 18. I still saw Mike here and there and everytime I saw him I got butterflies in my stomach and would be so sad for days or weeks. One time while married to my husband I ended up in a hotel room with Mike, not much happened but I have some great memories. I'm not the type of person that would cheat on my husband but with Mike, everything is different. I love him!!! Now 14 years later I still think about him everyday. I'm still married to my husband (not too happily) and Mike is now married to a MUCH older JW. I don't think he's that happy. I ran in to him a few days ago and we had breakfast together. It was the quickest 2 hours of my life. He told me he was sorry for hurting me all those years ago, he was immature and that he made a mistake. He had told me about 10 years ago that I didn't wait long enough for him, but at that time I had just gotten married and had a baby. I didn't know what to do and he was still immature!
Now he tells me the only reason we didn't work out was because I wasn't a JW and that he wasn't allowed to date until he was ready to get married. From our long conversation I know he has feelings for me. We were both so nervous to be around each other. I can feel the chemistry. Every time I would ask him what he was thinking he said, " I can't say or it might get me in trouble." We both had to get to work and when I hugged him good-bye I just wanted to die. I cried at work for almost an hour.
I've loved this man for 1/2 of my life and the only reason I couldn't be with him was his religion. Now he's married (with no kids), I'm married (with 2 kids) and I want nothing else but to be with him. His Dad is very involved with the Kingdom Hall and this is the only thing he has ever known. I don't think he would give it up for me and I don't know that I would want to become a JW for a man, but if it meant being with him, I would. But I'm sure they wouldn't accept us. We would both be divorced.
I don't know what to do!
If you divorce someone, is that the end of being a JW?
And if he's been a very serious witness since the age of 3, how likely is it that he would give it up for love?!!!
If anyone out there has any input, I'm all ears!
Hmm... I've never personally been a JW, but I'm married to a disfellowshipped one, and even though she broke through and has the idea the Watchtower has had a lot of problems and is not the "truth", she still struggles with not being able to talk to her brother or mother as well as previous people she'd related with when she was a Witness. Anyway...What others are saying sounds totally correct, IMO, i.e. that you're really only heavily infatuated with this guy, and it sounds like what's also going on is that you're both bored with your daily lives/marriages. I can tell you that a guy willing to cheat on his wife with you will almost assuradly someday cheat on you, as well, and since you sound like you're willing to cheat on your husband, maybe you'd find yourself cheating on Mike someday.
What I recommend is some serious thinking within yourself about what type of person you really want to be and if the type of person Mike is likely to be is the type of person you really would want to be with for the long-term. IMO cheating on one's spouse is totally lame and weak. If you could "sack-up" and find ways of helping your marriage to be stronger, that would be the path I'd highly suggest. It sounds like Mike would be following a JW goal even I could highly agree with if he'd do the same with his own wife and stop communicating with you. At this point, further communication with each other just isn't intelligent at all, IMO.
Again, this is only opinion, and I know I nor anyone here can force their opinions on you, but there are some opinions here from people who've seen somewhat similar situations in life -- if not having gone through something similar themselves at some point. I can tell you I had an ex-girlfriend that got married but then was bored, as you seem to be, and she ended up hooking up with this exciting (to her) older biker guy and got a divorce. She thought they were perfect for each other, relating on about every level, too. But after a couple years dating him, she got bored again, and I didn't have a problem cheating with her behind the biker guy's back who had cheated with her on her past husband. The last I heard, she hooked up with that biker's own son. I think she'd have ultimately been far more happy if she'd have just spent some energy working things out with her husband (obviously him doing his part, as well), but we'll never know now.
Here's to wishing for the best~!
The Leological One
edited; my wife will respond via her moniker.
by DannyHaszard inreligion today
monterey county herald, ca - 2 minutes ago .
new york - jehovah's witnesses are renowned for teaching that jesus is not god and that the world as we know it will soon end.
The Leological One
Yeah, I am even impressed with this one. I remember another of Richard's ones with the child abuse issue getting play but not this kind of play. Even Laurie's hit piece in the Sunday NY Times (that got a header on the front page) got a good hit but it didn't spread out like this.
Can you imagine trying to be the local elder trying to explain WTF a fraction is compared to a main component and where the justification for it is located in the bible to the local TV news crew in their follow up story .... LOL
I'd like to see that, too~!
Other videos and info that proves 911 was a big scam
by Antichrist inplease review these videos.. this is the best one.
The Leological One
I have read all of the testimonials...And I would like to know one thing.
Where are the photos? where? there are lots of traffic cams in that area. People have camera phones and most people have camcorders and in a city that large how come there is not one clear photo? No tail section nothing I dont see bodies there are many things missing in the blurry photos I have found. I have seen people whip out a camera for almost everything....So how come when I go to the web on google a find so few images. and the ones I do find seem very blurry and not at all condusive with a 60 ton plane...
Please click on the 2nd link in my first post for pics of the aftermath showing obvious airliner parts such as landing gear and a wheel and tire, etc...